Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Epic fail.


If you don't want to read negativity, stop now. You've been warned.

I just need to vent for a moment. I really hate that every time I've had a good couple of days, that I've been feeling really good, that I'm trying so hard to be positive, to improve and just do better, I crash and burn. EVERY TIME. Never fails.

The perfect analogy:

In the race of life, I'm a car at the starting line with all the other vehicles. The whistle blows, the flag is thrown and everyone takes off. Everyone but me. I'm sitting at the starting line, barely moving even though I'm pumping the gas and the engine is revving. There is something seriously wrong with my drive line.

It's the final month of 2010.

It's December. The last month of 2010. Definently a time of reflection on the past year. But right now I want to focus more on looking at the future and improving. At the end of every year millions of people make a New Years Resolutions list. I usually join in on this exciting part of the new year, but this year I've decided to do things just a little bit differently. I've been inspired by several of my closest friends and my older brother in particular, to start a "bucket list" or list of things I want to accomplish in my life. This year I've decided I'm going to start a bucket list and just have it as a general goal to work towards the things on my list. A lot of the things on my list pertain to things I would say is a new years resolution anyway and I like having a bucket list. It's like all my dreams are on paper which gives me more inspiration to accomplish them. (Thanks to my good friend Sterling for inspiring me to write it down!) The list is already quite long, but here are a few examples:
  • Run a marathon
  • Fall in love
  • Become a licensed nurse
  • Learn to cook
  • Shake hands with the Prophet
  • Visit all seven continents

And my personal favorite:

  • Watch Daron tackle an emperor penguin.

Lately I've really been thinking about the fact that we only have one life. Live a little. I'm looking forward to what this new year will bring. New experiences, new friends, new passions, new reason to love being alive. Love who you are and love the people you're with!

I've already made a wonderful new friend who I adore and cannot wait to make more memories with! Lisha, you're amazing.