Monday, March 28, 2011

Another challenge...

So I've been doing a lot of thinking and self discovery lately. I've really been struggling with how unhappy I've been and the fact that I have been having such a hard time changing that or doing anything about it. Well, I'm coming on the upside of the roller coaster of life after being stuck on the bottom for so long and I'm going to take advantage of it!!

1) I am so behind in a few of my classes, but I'm working really hard to catch up and not fall any further behind than I already am. At least I'm still doing well in Micro and there is still hope for stats. Anatomy, good thing I already have a half decent grade from the last time I took you... but 3rd time is going to be the charm this summer! I'm smart and I will have a GPA that reflects that.

2) Even if I can't feel good emotionally, I NEED to feel better physically. I may not have been able to acheive my goal last fall of running in a 5k because other things came up, but that is no excuse for me falling off the band wagon as bad as I have. I'm going to lose 20 pounds by the time I graduate in May (yes it is healthily possible, I calculated it out.) and 50 by the end of the summer. I've already signed up for a 10k to run with my cousins in August so the pressure is on!! I worked out this morning for an hour and it hurts so good!!!

3) I'm going to be completely on my own financially come August because I'm moving 3 1/2 hours away from Mommy and Daddy. It's time to do some financial planning.

Let's pray the enthusiasm stays for at least a little while! I have done really good today in every aspect of my goal and I'm celebrating the small victories! YAY FOR TODAY! Plus I look super cute today if I do say so myself...


  1. Cousin!! I want to race with you!! :)
    P.S. I think you always look cute. ;)

  2. Farrah love I'm so proud of you for wanting to better yourself. :] I wish I could have the will power to do that!

  3. Hell to the yes you look amazing!!!!!

  4. I agree on the super cute thing! :)

    Well, and everything else. :)
